They thrive on neglect! If you’re not sure, don’t water. No draft or cold. Place in a bright window. Dry out between watering, about 10 days to 2 weeks. Use a chopstick and push it to the bottom. If it comes out with bits of soil, wait. It doesn’t need watering. If it comes out clean, give it about 1/4 cup of water.
Water from the bottom. The roots should not be sitting in water or they will rot.
The leaves should be glossy. When they need water, they will be a bit more ridged when getting dry. The leaves turn yellow when a) they need water or b) have been overwatered.
They should last about 6 to 10 weeks.
When dry, pour about 1/2 cup of water into a plate with 1 drop of violet food. Place the pot in the water. Leave until it has been absorbed, about 10 minutes. Leave the plant it to dry out a bit and place back in the container or foil.